Accounts Payable Health Check
Not getting the results you want from your current Accounts Payable Automation?
You’re not alone! Many customers turn to oAppsNET to bring in subject matter experts to identify operational inefficiencies and maximize your ROI. Once we assess your operational and software implementation issues, we devise a plan to introduce best business practices into your AP process.
With our Accounts Payable Health Check, we’ll show you how to use existing Financial ERP configurations, processes or features to adjust your existing AP automation software tools to maximize your investment.

AP Automation Health Check: Process

AP Automation Health Check: Agenda
Day 1
Understand Your Company
- ERP Footprint
- Account Payable pain points
- Account Payable success criteria
Understand Your AP Invoice Types & Process Flows
- PO
- Non PO
- Payment Cycle
- Project Accounting
- Daily, weekly and monthly Oracle process / steps
Day 2
Understand Your Company
- Account Payable Owner
- Accounts Payable Supervisor
- Accounts Payable Analysts
- Accounts Payable Clerks
- Purchasing Supervisor
- General Ledger Supervisor
- Tax Supervisor
- Inventory Supervisor
- Receiving Supervisor
- End Users of The System
Day 3
Understand Your Company
- PO and AP
- AP and GL
- AP and Fixed Asset
“Several steps in the invoice process have been improved or automated to allow AP accounting assistants to concentrate on value-added tasks which leads to invoices being processed more efficiently.”
AP Health Check: Timeline
oAppsNET typically deliveries a return on your health check investment with just the quick hit opportunities. It’s time automate your accounts payable process today!
- Opportunities: Quick Hits ( 1-3 Days)
- Opportunities: Minor Projects ( 1-2 Weeks)
- Opportunities: Major Projects (1-2 Months)
- Strategy: How to align your company to current industry trends
Talk to us about a Health Check.
Call 303-478-5763 to talk one of our senior team members or fill out our contact form to learn more.